Worship through giving!

Simple and secure! Make a one-time gift or schedule recurring giving by using the button below. You can even designate your offering.

Your gifts can help with ministry expenses, outreach, charitable giving (local and global), helping to fulfill needs in our community and more!

Year-End Giving Opportunities

Here are some special giving opportunities! Give online or in person!

Bless the missionary family sharing with us on Missions Sunday!
Give by November 12.
Operation Christmas Child/Shoeboxes
Change a child's life with a simple shoebox! Pack your own or give $10 shipping toward a shoebox.
Give by November 12.
Operation Christmas Joy
Your gift to this ministry of the Western PA District of the Alliance will help to make Christmas special for a pastoral family in need.
Give by December 3.
Bless the Staff
This designated gift allows the deacons to bless the church staff (custodial and office) with a financial gift at Christmas time. 
Give by December 10.
Deacons' Fund
This fund provides helps with needs in our community and church family, including our free car care clinic.
You can give any time, but we'll have a special offering during our Christmas Eve service.
Mobile-giving app

For added convenience, you can download tithe.ly's free giving app!